
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Secret Remedy

In our journey through introducing solid foods, we have come into a little bump in the road. One that is common, but not one that everyone wants to talk about. Constipation. I have been giving Carson his sippy cup with water during every lunch time meal to make sure he washes it all down good, and he gets plenty of fluids from breastfeeding all day. However we still were not able to escape this inevitability. 

Carson did not poop for over 5 days!! Day 6 I was in a panic searching all over the internet trying to find a good remedy, without having to give him any sort of laxatives. We had already tried apple juice the day before, and it seemed like everything else was saying just feed him fruit (pears or peaches) which is what I had been doing anyway!!! No help there. Then I started reading a post on a website just for parents to ask questions and get advice. As I read through the comments, I wasnt impressed with what I saw until one of them. A lady responded saying that a while ago a nurse had told her an old secret that no one really likes to use because its bad for teeth and was just kind of forgotten about. BUT she said it was a guarantee success. Those were the words I needed to hear!!

Brown sugar & water!!! 

Just sugar water? YES!! I swear by this remedy!! And as far as being bad for teeth, I do not mind going to clean gums or brush teeth right after use if it can help my baby get over this misery!! Poor guy just cried and cried, so I got right to mixing up a bottle!:)

50mL of Water

1/4 teaspoon Brown Sugar

Heat it up and serve!!

The VERY next day, Carson went!! YAAY!! He was happy the rest of the day!! I have used this twice now and each time, just wait overnight and it clears the system!! Good 'ol sugar water :)

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